I forgot again, that it was Xmas Eve. I'm not religious, so the day holds no significance to me. It's just another one I'm able to breathe and function. With that, almost anything is possible, right? Haha

Today, on the creative side, I mostly worked on this spoof I'm hyped to complete. Had I not needed to wait on vocal talent to be available, or tweak a few things, I likely would have uploaded the video already.

Yet, there is progress being made!

Another thing I accomplished today, that I've gotten into the habit of doing regularly, is studying Japanese. Man, it's a lot tougher than I thought!! Learning the different sounds set aside for almost every character is just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Not to mention, there are some words with the same spelling like "kou" 「こう」Construction, mouth, and a new kanji I'd learned have the same spelling, but attribute to different meanings. It's like learning extreme homophones @__@

I've been using Duolingo and WaniKani. ...Normally I tend to get upto 3 wrong, or so, with wanikani. Getting 12 wrong feels entirely unacceptable. I'll get better, in no time!!!!!!!!

What else...what else........ I'd been doing some thinking about my life..........I enjoy 2d animation, and kept after it when VLD's emergence inspired me. I also would like to sing professionally--or at least have a taste of that life as a soloist. I've experienced singing with choirs, before. I was the only art major in one, in college haha Some vocal samples.

Well, that's all for now!!

Merry Xmas/ Happy Holidays/ Happy-Just-Another-Set-of-Days-to-Create-Things!
