So exhausted, today. Gained a headache from nowhere. But, I still wanted to study. Managed to make it through!!!

I worked on my original series some, looked for voice acting roles, sketched some figure practice and now I'm about to work on the animation I had wanted to finish last year for Shiro's birthday.

Oh, I also got nostalgic, and started rereading an old favorite fic I wrote for the YuGiOh franchise---namely a story between Seto Kaiba x Yami Yuugi haha I actually missed a lot of the way I would set up those older stories, compared to how I'd written last year. Speaking of last year, I wrote a 93k+ novel for VLD (largely for Shiro x Keith). I wanted it to be my first, and last, huge fic to the fandom. Now, I've only got smaller ones in mind, but yeah.

Gosh, I have so many things to reaaaaaad!!! And build! And make!

Oh yeah, Today's Japanese progress:

Ugh, I have no excuse for missing so many. Headache or not.

Oh yeah! I also snapped a photo of my VLD Fuko Pop collection

I am very grateful to have been gifted 3 of them. These are the main 3 I wanted. Thank you Let's Voltron! And thank you, Yuu! 

That's all for now!!
